Over the holidays, copywriting and other work at I Sell Words slowed down. Partly due to my wading into waters unknown, I hadn't fully grasped what it meant to go on "holiday" as a freelancer.
"Holiday" from work in the past meant getting paid without having to do anything. "Holiday" takes on an entirely different turn.
Without money coming in, I panicked. Did I make the right decision? Was this freelancing thing bunk? I began updating my CV just in case. I doubted every turn. I would mourn my beloved business, lost in its infancy.
Over December and January, I re-read The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. It explores the "hero's journey," a mythological "story of us" found in nearly all ancient cultures.
To me, the business journey is a personal journey. I personally think it's linked with that hero's journey or the "monomyth."
The Call to Adventure is the freelancing life itself. You arm yourself with allies and mentors. Challenges and temptations await. Then - the belly of the whale. Times are lean. Doors slam shut. Money runs low. It breaks you - or it makes you.
Yesterday, in a phone call with a dear friend, he too said he was in the "belly of the whale." We committed to the "transformation" of building our businesses and lives to be the best they can be.
2015 will be my transformation and my "return with the ultimate boon." I'll be documenting my progress on this blog. Please comment with your own thoughts!