What Type of Copywriter Do You Need? Types of Copywriters

Copywriters, like ice-cream, come in all different flavours. Though there are two overarching branches of copywriting, the technical vs. the creative copywriter, there are certain copywriters that specialise in certain media, topics, or forms of writing. Here are the types of copywriters that exist in the workforce - although there is significant overlap - and a copywriter who is good at one form of writing can often do both - or many (like me!)

What Type of Copywriter Do You Need? Types of Copywriters

Marketing Copywriter

Marketing copywriting is the most common form of copywriting - I Sell Words is primarily a marketing copywriting firm, specialising in a variety of written content intended to sell your products and services. (I sell words because my words sell!) Marketing copywriting may extend to all types of written communication - blog posts, web content, flyers, YouTube video scripts, flyers, and so on. This is the most versatile type of copywriter who can work across different campaigns, media, and subjects. Some marketing copywriters may work certain “niches” while others will happily write about any topic, given the right research. Every business should hire a marketing copywriter - at least to get started!

Direct Response Copywriter

Direct response copywriting is copywriting that’s engineered to elicit some kind of action from the reader. Direct response copywriters often work on sales funnels, landing pages, pop-up ads, eDMs, and webforms that require a user to take an action (e.g. buy now, sign up now, open this email, click here.) Direct response copywriting is the domain of the “long-form sales letter” which requires a knowledge of sales techniques to truly master. Copywriters such as Dan Kennedy are known as expert Direct Response Copywriters. This type of copywriting is known to produce quick results, usually for consumer products, e-learning platforms, and other systematic marketing “machines.”

Advertising Copywriter

Advertising copywriters these days are found in agencies or as freelancers attached to agencies, coming up with taglines, creative content for social media, create brand “personas,” concepts for videos or images, and overarching campaign concepts. Advertising copywriters are creative in nature, and their skill set doesn’t necessarily mean every ad needs to sell something. Advertising copywriters need to be mindful of a brand’s image, tone of voice, style, and intended audience.

SEO Copywriter

SEO copywriters are copywriters focused on writing for search engine optimisation (SEO.) Although it’s rare to find a copywriter who isn’t an SEO copywriter in 2022, these copywriters are often involved with keyword research, link building, ghostwriting, and producing new and interesting angles for copy while staying focused on the ultimate objective: increasing a site’s search engine page results. SEO copywriters usually have skills in off-page SEO - optimising meta tags, descriptions, etc. SEO copywriting is everywhere - and a business that hires an SEO copywriter is after an increase in their organic traffic and eventually, conversions. SEO copywriters are also often referred to as “content writers.”

Social Media Copywriter

A social media copywriter works primarily in - you guessed it - social media. That means maintaining a consistent tone of voice, engaging with community, and conducting hashtag research. They may work in tandem with graphic designers or videographers to create compelling social media content for business. Social media copywriters may also write blog posts from time to time as part of a sales funnel.

Conversion/UX Copywriter

A relatively new type of copywriter, a conversion or UX copywriter is focused more on Conversion Rate Optimisation, A/B testing, and writing copy that serves to enhance a User Experience (UX.) CRO is a more systematic approach to copywriting, which requires a copywriter to write at least two variations of headlines, straplines, body copy, etc. to determine which attracts or converts the most amount of visitors to a desired action (e.g. signing up to a mailing list, buying a product, organising a meeting, etc.) Conversion-oriented copywriters may also be adept at writing sales scripts, chatbot scripts, onboarding email campaigns, and sales funnels or landing pages.

Technical Copywriter

As I’ve explained in this post, a technical copywriter primarily deals with informing rather than instructing. There’s little creativity involved in technical copywriting - the copy may be “mission critical” to the operation of a piece of hardware, explaining a policy, or implementing a consistent process. A technical copywriter may write white papers, research reports, or annual reports for companies that require accuracy in their copy.

What Kind of Copywriter Should I Hire?

This all depends on your business needs. If you need copy for a website, an SEO copywriter should be your first choice. If you need a copywriter to run your socials, then a social media copywriter is best. However, a good copywriter can fulfil multiple roles - just like me!

I am an expert in all forms of copywriting, informed by journalistic experience, continuous improvement, and constant research and refinement of my skills. Do you want to reach more people, sell more of your offering, and grow your business? Contact me below.

How Can a Copywriter Help My Business?

If you’ve been told about the importance of copywriting for SEO or content marketing, you may not be completely convinced on how a copywriter can actually help your business. In this post, I’ll outline five ways a copywriter can help your business’ bottom line – and set your digital presence up for more traffic, better sales, and greater growth.

A copywriter connects you to your audience

Even if you know your customers inside and out, a copywriter can help you connect your business to an audience you may never have considered before. Good copywriters achieve this through looking at analytics, keyword research, or persona building – what demographics may find your product or service useful? What kind of tone and style is required to really get their attention? This is where a copywriter can step in and create strategies – and execute on them by writing the right content.

A copywriter helps clarify your message

What you say is how you sell. But what if your message is all over the place – can you sum up your unique selling point in the length of a tweet? (280 characters.) A copywriter can craft a narrative around your business and project it into the future. Narrative storytelling isn’t everyone’s forte; but it’s a copywriter’s bread and butter. A copywriter is also great at “explaining things like you’re five” – making the complex simple and easy to understand. The more people understand your offering, the more people you can theoretically sell to.

Professional copywriting increases the reputation of your business

I’ve run research on this – bad spelling and grammar in your written content makes more than 80% of prospects turn off your business completely. Copywriters can directly contribute to enhancing your brand or business awareness – through writing Google ads, taglines, flyers, social content, blog posts, new web pages, guest blogs, sales letters, electronic direct mail (eDMs) and other forms of marketing content. Some, but not all, copywriters are also crisis communications or PR experts who can step in when times are dire. Remember: if you’re not shaping your story, someone else is.

Copywriters keep up your content strategy

Creative copywriters can not only formulate a content strategy that connects with your audience but maintain it. SEO copywriting and content is not a one-and-done solution; it requires regular attention through creating new and interesting content. This content might be blog posts, social posts, short narratives, product descriptions, and other written content. They can also help you choose the right social media for your business. If you haven’t got time to do it yourself, an investment in copywriting services can often be a boon to your bottom line.

SEO copywriting is how you generate leads

If you aren’t spending time shoring up your on-page SEO, then your business is likely becoming less and less visible as time goes on. Having an SEO copywriter on board to help supercharge your SEO efforts by generating consumer interest in your services or products is essential to business success. If you want to sell your products you need to market them well – and SEO copywriters are integral to that overall process.

Need a good copywriter to help your business grow? Click the button below and get Melbourne’s best SEO copywriting and content done for you!